Need to make a tough decision? Maybe you are wondering what college you should go to or what job to take. Every decision, be it great or small are important to God.
Here are 3 quick questions (that my mom taught me) that you can use or teach to your children when they are facing a choice:
- Does it give GLORY to God?
- Do you get an INNER WITNESS?
- Is the TIMING right?
The first question is important because if God doesn't get the glory, praise, and honor, who does? Yes, by default, the devil will take any attention he can. So make sure it all goes upward, to God alone!
What is an inner witness? Some say consciousness, gut feeling, or intuition, but God
calls it your spirit.
Timing is important God and He is not in a rush. Timing is spoken about throughout the whole bible. Be patient and be willing and give the rest to God because He loves and cares about you.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."